Wednesday, April 25, 2012

a safe life

This week is a week of mmmmm what i should refer as... i guess a moment of truth. Everyone knows their performance result of last year. In general there will be 2 main groups of people; the first group will be excited, happy, content and satisfactory with the result they get from the management on their yesteryear performance whereas the other one whom is unfortunate will be frustrated, upset, feeling down and even have a flash of mind wanting to commit suicide. perhaps the other one in between of the 2 groups would be the ones who don't care fucking less about the shit of the performance. Well, i admit i'm one of those guys. What can i say, living the shit out of the working culture under babi-sonnomabotch rapai and his gang kaki jilat, has made me sunk down to the bottom of the floor without being able to show that i'm as good as the other performer.  The fact that, my performance result for the rest of the-ones-that-have-ever-remember-until-now show that i'm just an averager, not up to achiever level neither at the non-performer has resulted in me being at the safe side. The risk of being in such group is my career is doomed to a crappy shit! i cannot moved up further for my self development and i can only be as stagnant as previous; only observing other junior kaki-jilat bastards climbing up the ladder.

Aaahh.. tak kesah lah, as long as aku safe kat sini, tiap2 bulan gaji masuk dalam akaun. aku happy buat kerje ikut suka hati aku cam kompeni ni bapak aku punya, ikut suka datang kerje pukul berapa and balik kerje pon suka hati aku. Pergi mampos telekong!

Anyway, from other angle, Terima kasih aku amat appreciate kat telekong dan sumer bos2 bangsat yang bagi aku kerje sampai sekarang kat telekong dan sentiasa rate aku kat average level, pastu bagi gaji kat aku tiap2 bulan tanpa fail. Memang padan muka aku, takde saper pun lebih padan muka banding ngan aku sebab mampos keras tempat sama kerja sampai sekarang. Aku amat appreciate gak kat kompeni telekong ni sebab bagi peluang kat aku buat kompeni macam bapak aku punya kompeni, so amat berbaloilah dgn sumbangan kerja aku ngan gaji yang aku dapat.

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